Blog Post Report 1 Revised Madison Klump
We have read a couple stories in my English 219 class. The
stories were called “The Lottery” and SlaughterHouse-Five. “The Lottery” had to
do with someone getting stoned. In this story I believe that they believed that
stoning someone is okay because they do it every year because they believe it
will help their crops grow better. In the book SlaughterHouse-Five I believe
that it has to do with the holocaust and Time-Traveling.
“The Lottery” that was
wrote in 1948 by Shirley Jackson. It was about someone getting stoned and how
they believed it’s okay because it will make their crops better. The towns
people in this story make it sound like it was just another day to them. The story
started with “The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the
warmth of a full summer day, the flowers were blossoming profusely and the
grass was richly green” (Page 1). They then went on to talk about how there was
a meeting in the town and how the children were finding rocks and putting them
in a pile while the adults had a meeting. During the meeting they talked about
how they had to draw a piece of paper from a black box. If the piece of paper
had a dot on it it meant that you were the one that had to get stoned. They
said that “Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon” (Page 4). So, they also believe
that if they stone someone that it will make their crops grow better. Also,
when some of the towns people were talking someone said something about how
some of the towns around them stopped doing the lottery because they felt it
wasn’t right. But Old Man Warner snorted and said “Pack of crazy fools” (Page
4). So, he is saying that the towns that stopped having the lottery are crazy
because they need to have the lottery to make the crops grow and if they stop
it their crops won’t be that good that year.
SlaughterHouse-Five was wrote by Kurt Vonnegut. I believe
that in SlaugherHouse-Five some of the scene that the narrator talks about have
to do with the holocaust. On page 163 Bill say’s “It was a report on the
behavior in Germany of American enlisted men as prisoners.” I believe this has
to do with the holocaust because it talks about people being put in prisons in
Germany. Another time that I believe they are talking about the holocaust is on
page 73. On page 73 they say “A German was kicking his feet, telling him to
wake up, that it was time to move on”. I believe that this has to do with it,
because I remember when I went to the holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. they
talked about how they made the people walk to a camp or walk to a train. The
last one I’m going to talk about is when he says “Human beings in there took
turns standing or laying down. The legs of those that were standing were like
fence post driven into warm, squirming, farting, signing earth”. I believe that
this quote has to do with it because when the Jews were forced into the train
carts there would be no room for them to move around or sometimes even lay
In the book SlaughterHouse-Five the narrator talks about how
Billy Pilgrim Time-Travels. I believe that he is Time-Traveling when he is
going back through his memories. One time he talks about it is when he says “He
had already seen a lot of their marriage, thanks to Time-Traveling, knew that
it was going to be at least bearable all the way” (page 153). Here I believe
that he is going back through his memories of when he got married. Because
there is no way that he would know for sure that his marriage would be bearable
and work out. Another time he talks about it is when he say’s “Billy was loony
with Time-Traveling and morphine” (Page 157). Here I believe he is going back
through his memories of when he was in the hospital getting morphine. I say
that because if thus hasn’t happened yet how would he know that he would be put
in a hospital and would get morphine once he is in the hospital. The last one
I’m going to take about is when he said “Billy and Valencia went to sleep
nested like spoons and Billy traveled in time back to the train ride that he
had taken in 1944 from Maneuver in South Carolina to his father’s funeral in Ilium”
(page 161). Again, he talks about riding a train to go to his Dad’s funeral.
So, in these two stories that I talked about which again were
“The Lottery” and “SlaughterHouse-Five” and how they talked about it was just
another day and how they believe stoning someone would make their crops grow
better and how in SlaughtHouse-Five Billy had to do with Time-Traveling and what
I think it means and how SlaughterHouse-Five has to do with the Holocaust.
My name is Mattisyn Woods, and I am commenting on your Blog Report for this weeks assignment in class.
ReplyDelete1. I am responding to Madison Klump.
2. I believe that your main idea is to relate the two stories, The lottery and Slaughterhouse Five to historical events or the real world.
3. You support your main idea by explaining what is happening in each story and how it relates to the historical event that you chose, Slaughterhouse Five you related it to the Holocaust.
4. Your examples are very convincing, you chose examples from the book that could relate to the Holocaust because they had to do with German soldiers, also when you used the time you went to the museum and related it to the book and the Holocaust it gave more information for the readers to understand.
5. I think you could improve this report by not repeating yourself as much, for example in the first paragraph you said "I believe" several times. You also could have had a clearer main idea. The transitions into each paragraph could have been smoother but are not bad. Overall it is a good report, and I did understand and think about the book a little differently after reading it.